We strongly believe safety should go beyond being ethically responsible and used as an employee engagement tool to become a means to increase efficiency and profitability.
Getting employees to properly wear and handle protective gear in meat and poultry processing facilities is no simple task.
Emergency response or responding to emergencies means a response effort by employees from outside the immediate release area or by other designated responders
As much as we don’t like to admit it, ammonia leaks happen. Even in systems, we feel we manage and care for exceptionally well. But with increasing turnover resulting in less experience on off-shifts, where management presence is the lightest, and increased wear and tear from heightened demands
being put on aging equipment, leaks are just part of the business.
How to avoid a chemical calamity: The safety of workers who clean and sanitize meat and poultry facilities and equipment is highly dependent on the training they receive in the handling and use of chemicals.
Sanitation made simple: The use of contract sanitation services enables meat and poultry plant operators to sidestep the burden of hiring, training, and managing workers while ensuring a full complement of cleaning personnel.
How to avoid a chemical calamity: The safety of workers who clean and sanitize meat and poultry facilities and equipment is highly dependent on the training they receive in the handling and use of chemicals.
Meat and poultry plants are becoming increasingly safer environments for workers in all positions.
Keeping sanitary workers safe in meat and poultry plants can be tough. Cleaning crews face threats ranging from handling toxic chemicals to potentially hazardous encounters with meat processing equipment...
As plant employees are increasingly given more responsibilities, processors must ensure their training is up to speed.